Getting published is a real be-yatch! Hear about my ups, downs and a few random rants in between.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Nominate your girl, P

Okay, so I don't usually enter contests and such.

Not that I don't like them (who doesn't like to win?!). But most times I'll see a contest and don't bother because it'll just mean more spam in my inbox.

But, I love blogging. And having my blog recognized...well, that's just one more little piece of publicity that can help the book along, no?

So, to all my loyal readers (all five of y'all - ha, ha!!) check out The 2006 Black Weblog Awards and nominate my spot for either Blog to Watch or Best Topical blog. Oh and umm...go back later and vote.

No pressure!

But, thank yew for your support. :-)

I'll be posting about my wild and wacky adventures in the ENYCE, later.


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