Getting published is a real be-yatch! Hear about my ups, downs and a few random rants in between.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Before the Band Wagon Arrived...

Terrence Howard was a job-hopping, womanizing, green-eyed guitar playing bad boy in The Best Man.

Before Oscar came sniffing around to "validate" Howard, he played many a bit role and played them well. But none quite as snide and love-to-hate-him as Quinton Spivey, the movie's unapologetic bad boy.

Sitting up late - should be writing or sleeping - The Best Man comes on and is as delectable a movie tid bit as it was in '99. The story of six college friends coming together for the wedding of two could be labeled a Big Chill-like film. And it is, if you feel the need to categorize or have a film fit into a nice, neat box.

But what The Best Man really is, is a great look at Twentysomething Buppies reminiscing and reconciling their college selves with their adult realities.

Hey, if The Best Man gets a couple extra DVD rentals or buys because movie buffs have to collect every Terrence Howard film to certify themselves fans, fine with me. But for me, The Best Man ranks right up there with Spike Lee's School Daze.

They're two must-have movies. One showcases college life, the other a portrayal of the highs and lows of self-discovery in your 20's - both from a black perspective.

But ax all that "black" movie BS. Anyone who is or ever was twentysomething, on the road to marriage, grappling for the next rung on their career ladder or had a bunch of nosy ass friends who couldn't stay out their bizness will feel it.

Catch it "On Demand" now or run out and get that DVD.

Added bonus: Yummy Taye Diggs chest shots are easy on the eyes.


Blogger Paula said...

It's one of those movies that makes you think about your own friends and life.

I love movies, like this, that are so vivid they either pull me in and remind me of my own life OR makes me wish I could be a part of the life shown.

10:17 AM


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